

5 ways your body can react to over intake of protein

Eating 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is important for a normal human being and is vital for all those trying to stay healthy and fit. The quantity goes up to 1.5 grams if you are trying to shed kilos and gain muscle mass. Increasing protein intake is vital for all those trying to build muscle and lose weight (reduce body fat) because it helps to repair cells and build lean muscle mass. But at times, when trying to add more protein to the diet, people get carried away and add way too much of it without realising that it can negatively impact their health. When it comes to health too much of anything is unhealthy, even protein.

Here are 5 things that can happen if you are taking too much protein.

1.You feel thirsty Excessive protein intake can increase the body's demand for water. If you are not drinking sufficient amount of water as per your intake of protein, you may feel thirsty all the time. It happens due to the presence of excessive nitrogen in the blood. One of the components of protein is nitrogen and its excessive intake will force your kidney to make extra effort to flush it out of your system. As a result, your trip to the loo will increase and you can start feeling dehydrated.

2.You can feel weak and suffer from headaches One of the side-effects of dehydration is weakness and headaches. Lack of sufficient amount of water in the body can lead to weakness and headache. It can also be due to fewer carbs intake or replacing carbs with protein. When the body does not get carbs for energy, it goes into a process of ketosis, where it starts using stored fat for energy. This process makes you feel weak and can lead to headaches

3.Your breath smells. A high-protein diet can also make your breathe stink. Too much protein intake can make your breath smell like rotten fruit, which happens due to the ketosis process. The initiation of the ketosis process leads to the formation of acetone in the breath, making your breath smell. Besides, there are two amino acids present in the protein that can also be a reason for the smelly breath. Even if you drink water or chew mint this smell does not go away.

4.You can get constipated Protein-rich foods do not contain fiber that is required for bulking up the stool. Carbohydrates contain fiber that bulks up the stool, keeps you fuller for a longer time and helps in easy passage of the bowel. If you do not consume sufficient carbohydrates (clean and rich fibre carbs) and take only protein, you can feel constipated all day long. Some amount of carb intake is essential to feel energetic and pass the stool regularly.

5.You can gain weight Yes, you read it right. Excessive protein intake can make you gain weight just like excessive intake of refine carbs or sugars. When you take too much protein from sources like red meat, fried foods or full-fat dairy products, it may cause weight gain rather than weight loss. Too much protein can backfire your hormonal balance (resulting in high levels of cortisol which is the stress hormone) that can easily sabotage your weight loss plans.

So, it is essential to eat in moderation.